Himebaugh Property Purchase

The Town of Hot Sulphur Springs recently purchased 270 acres of the former Jones Creek Ranch, surrounding Himebaugh Creek. This property lies on the south side of town and provides a connection for public access to the adjacent Arapaho National Forest. In addition, the property provides opportunities for non-motorized recreation such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, bird watching and just enjoying nature. Cattle grazing will also continue. The previous owners, Max and Kathryn Webel, wanted the town to own this property in order to protect its natural and scenic values and to make it available for outdoor recreation. The Town was able to purchase the property thanks to grants from the Grand County Open Lands, Rivers and Trails Fund; Great Outdoors Colorado; Gates Family Foundation; and the Town’s Conservation Trust funds. In addition to its recreation value, the property serves as a transitional migration corridor for elk and deer. In order to ensure the long-term protection of the property’s natural and scenic values, the Webel’s put it into a conservation easement which restricts some uses and is held by the Colorado Headwaters Land Trust. With the conservation easement and Town’s stewardship the open space, scenic views and natural values will be protected. This property was identified as a priority for acquisition because of its recreation potential and natural and scenic values in both the town’s 2015 Parks, Open Space and Trails Master Plan and the Headwaters Trails Alliance 2019 Strategic Plan.
Over the course of this year, the Town will be completing a management plan to guide the use of this property. If you would like to provide comments for consideration in the management plan please send them to Town Clerk, P.O. Box 116, Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451 or to townofhss@comcast.net. To be most useful, comments should be received by August 15, 2021.